the Cemetary Are Joo Baptist are a very important good for our culture therefore are part of our roots, exactly not being recognized still as patrimony, action that already must have been taken has sufficient time for the competent agencies, it has its recognized value enters the majority of the fortalezenses and the local and foreign visitors who contemplate always it. Being a place had as terrifying for some people for the fact to contain corpses, superties of some and for emitting a shady climate, it beyond showing its artistic beauty through some styles state also feelings that remain there are they of homesickness, pain, sadness or until the promise of a future reencontro in one another plain spiritual. There we can perceive that it has well ample spaces and the interessantante is to notice that in definitive has the similarity with a park therefore exists diverse banks protected from trees creating a harmonious climate (where the visitors can rest) in way to as many tablets being these surrounded of gratings with the intention of protection without leaving to mention the fact to have many important people embedded there as for example the Frei Tito. It has the necessity to perpetuate this good so that it enriches our history still more being an item more than our built icons historical and extending our mentalities a little more is that we will go to have respect for what is ours, and having action as these is that also we will be respected as cidadosJustificativa the interest for the cemetary as study object has a relation with the experiences that precede my academic life..
Tag: society and culture
Popular Cultural Expression
It is a very great lie. Why it is not fight, nor it is game. It is not game, more is fight. It is not game, more is trick. It is not trick, but is of truth. Then, in we are always simulating a situation to them of danger for the other and the other if defending and if esquivando (deposition of Decnio Master in Umberto, 2000 apud SAINTS, 2009 P.
128). an art that helps to the body and the mind to work together, together with the capacity to develop the knowledge. Capoeira is a Popular Cultural Expression, where it involves dance, Music Fight, game is expression, is the only Brazilian sport. Sport that express the movements of the body in one fights danced with blows differentiated of any another martial sport well. Sport that helps very in the mental development of the athlete, is that it brings a good balance very that is my base of life. It is an art of much value for who practises. When you do not know you are a street game.
More if you are part of it, you you learn that it has philosophy, very pretty. A pretty and very wonderful art. For Vieira (2006), even so diverse meanings for vocbulo are found ' ' capoeira' ' , each one if relating the objects, animals, people or situations, in esportivos terms, are about a game of corporal dexterity, with use of legs, arms and head, practised in pairs, based in attacks, esquivas and hints, to the sound of cnticos and musical instruments (berimbau, atabaque, pandeiro, agog and reco-reco). Focused in its origins as a dance-fight, that finished generating unfoldings and possibilities of job as: gymnastics, dances, sport, art, martial art, folklore, recreation and theater, characterizing itself, in general way, as a playful activity. Already with the saudoso Pastinha Master (Vicente Pastinha Blacksmith, that lived in the Bahia and faleceu in 1980) he defined that ' ' the capoeira is everything that the mouth eats and everything that the body of! ' '.
Quebar Company
To leave to the part people who if comprazem in the badness is uncharitableness? is not uncharitableness the person to act ahead cynically of the others only with the intention of avacalhar the other people’s honor? The person has of being caridosa with the others? Clearly that yes! But (o) will not be caridosa with nobody if not to start for the charity to act well with same itself. To love is not to share with if they had deviated from the good, but to practise correct actions so that they can see and follow the good example. Which father would be happy seeing the son in harms company? None! Breaking bones Then, I was the Tel-Abibe, to the ones of the exile, that inhabited next to the river Quebar, and started to live where they inhabited; e, per seven days, I was based myself there, astonished in the way of them. Book of Ezequiel Prophet, CAP. 3:15. They say: A never dumb person, the behavior of nobody: Then, a bad character, Can help somebody? Each person chooses the deserved company, a good woman, does not follow a loafer. She has harmony in addition, When the choice is missed, a good person, does not walk with avacalhada. This said popular, Never is old-fashioned: ' ' You say me with who you walk, and I will say who to you s' ' , Because a honest man, does not follow rals.