Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr

Smokers can fight oxidative stress is known for some time that smoking just like X-ray radiation lead to the explosive propagation of oxidative radicals and oxidative stress. Anthony Kennedy may not feel the same. Negative health consequences are inevitable. To stop smoking for all smokers who can’t make it, there is hope to soften the negative health consequences of at least a little. New studies show that certain antioxidants in smokers are advised in the imbalance and this can trigger inflammation in lung cells. A combination of these antioxidants in pill form can be useful for the health of smokers. According to current science lead about 500 toxins in tobacco smoke in the short term for acute inflammatory processes in the lung cells to oxidative stress from free radicals and thus related to increased consumption of vitamins C and E. long-term consequences can be lung cancer, COPD (chronic bronchitis and smoker’s cough) and heart attack Hardening of the arteries just to name a few. New scientific results available on the short-term consequences of smoking.

So, researchers have found in experimental studies, that even short-term inhalation of cigarette smoke leads to serious acute inflammation in the lung tissue. These are caused by an imbalance of oxidants (free radicals) and antioxidants (vitamins C and E). In smokers, these antioxidant vitamins consumed much faster than in non-smokers. If so, intake of antioxidant vitamins to the oxidative imbalance is corrected, then it should also succeed, to mitigate the negative consequences of smoking for smokers. Researchers from Brazil were able to show exactly that.

It managed to reduce them in the experiment by the simultaneous intake of vitamin C plus vitamin the inflammatory processes in the lungs of smokers. Other researchers studied technical staff in the hospital, which suspended even x-rays was in addition to cigarette smoke. With the administration of vitamin C and could even in this particularly loaded people smoke and radiation ausgelostet oxidative stress can be mitigated. Thus, there is good evidence to suggest that smokers can now do something good your health based on modern research. You can protect some lung and the heart-vascular system with the right combination of vitamin C and vitamin E. The product CorVitum is based on studies in the prevention of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and to reduce the negative effects of smoking. It contains vitamin C and in the special form and dosage. For only about 30 cents a day can smoking with CorVitum something good do their lungs and vessels, and thus protect themselves from the negative consequences of smoking a bit more. It is available in pharmacies or good health centres. Due to the unique composition of the products of Navitum Pharma not by other, seemingly similar products are interchangeable. Every pharmacy can order CorVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma for the customers. All products from Navitum Pharma are listed in the Lauer tax. Can also directly at the company under 0611 CorVitum 58939458 order. Cheap packs for 3 months (PZN 0243079) and 6 months (PZN 0247781) are available. The shipping for these packs with 180 retard tablets for 28.50 or 360 release tablets for only 55.00 is free of charge. More information is available at. Source: Kayan M et al. cell Biochem funct. 2009 Jul 27; Silva Bezerra F et al. nutrition. 2006 Nov-Dec;22(11-12):1192-201.

Fighting Wrinkles With Botox Injections

First wrinkles on the face begins to appear to twenty-five – thirty years. Deal with them fairly easily, given the advances in modern medicine, but the older the person becomes, the more he has more wrinkles. If Men are almost embarrassed that the women react to changes in the skin of his face quite painful. Fortunately, leading experts cosmetic companies are not the first decade of trying to solve this problem. Not every woman agrees to go under the surgeon's knife to smooth out the skin, and creams are not always effective. What to do? After all, beautiful and desirable wants to look forever. Here and come to the aid of injections Botox.

What is Botox? Originally Botox used to treat strabismus, but with the time doctors discovered one of its 'side effect', which turned the idea of cosmetologists about the issue of combating wrinkles. Additional information at Becky Hmmon supports this article. When a person laughing, frowning or eating was activated facial muscles that are responsible for his facial expressions, so-called facial muscles. Over time, these muscles overwork, resulting in wrinkles. Botox injections relieve voltage from the facial muscles, which leads to the disappearance of wrinkles. To date, this miracle drug use Hollywood stars, politicians and businessmen. Finally, the secret of eternal youth revealed! Experts advise start doing Botox injections at the first wrinkle (approximately 25 years), as it reduces to almost zero probability of plastic surgery in the future. Botox has no age contraindication, so it can be used, as in the thirties, and in fifty years.

In this case, it is not addictive and does not affect destructively on the facial muscles that allow you to preserve the natural mimics, who are accustomed to your friends and family. Effect of the drug has already seen eight days later. a great source of information. Only a few sessions a year will remove wrinkles from your face for a long time. In addition to all this botox treats migraine and sweating. Botox can not be in the following cases: BeremennostNarushenie clotting the components shows that 99% of women of a hundred are without health problems to use Botox. This the drug is so safe that it prescribed, even children. Price voprosNa date prices for Botox injections range from 2000 to 7000 rubles. It all depends on where you are going to introduce the drug. As a rule, Botox injections an outpatient, so the additional costs for hospital stay may be deleted. And what about men? Main consumers of botox are women, but, as reported by the American Society Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, over the past five years the number of men wishing to get rid of wrinkles, has doubled. In this case, the most popular tool in the fight against wrinkles, which are selected American men, are Botox injections. According to the American Botox makes them look young, energetic and sexy, so they became very popular among women, and their employers are proud of young and beautiful staff. Along with Botox in forty years, all has just begun! If earlier on skin care had to spend a lot of time and the result was not always the way we would like, then with the advent of Botox injections, all these sufferings in the past. Botox – your way to beauty and health.


The treatment comes from the outside, healing – from the inside. The word 'heal' – means 'make whole', to restore integrity and balance in the body. Supplements, unlike drugs, do not eliminate symptoms disease and its causes. Supplements – a component of food that helps to facilitate recovery of the organism and its natural physiological processes. myth FOUR: 'I will drink supplement and within a week will be well' fallacy, the depth which does not measure a school ruler. To know more about this subject visit San Antonio Spurs. First, some dietary supplements are not enough to be healthy. Important in ecology, mode of the day, regular exercise, stress free life, etc.

Second, to restructure the body to time. Approximately 7-10 days after taking supplements Gloryon you feel better. Organism would be delighted: 'Hurrah! Now I get more nutritious and wholesome food. " Begins recovery. When they will be enough, there comes the next stage – '', or fine-tune the internal organs.

For the body is a very difficult time. After all, he had almost forgotten what a healthy habit! Therefore, at this stage of sbc may be weakness and decline efficiency, even sick. Forces of the body are directed at this point to restore health. Check with Vladislav Doronin to learn more. Then again, you feel good. And in a month and a half, you feel the desired result: your the body becomes stronger and healthier. myth FIVE: 'The more – the better' Folk wisdom says: 'Everything is good in moderation. " Although useful and nutrients in food is not enough, they are still there. Immediately take 'shock' is not the norm Supplements required. Excess of vitamins or other nutrients are also harmful to the body, as well as the lack of them. Therefore, recommendations for the use of dietary supplements Gloryon are the most optimal dosage, which every day will ensure everything necessary for adults and children. Contraindications to supplement virtually none. But do not forget that a child's body, pregnant or lactating women and the sick person requires a special approach. Therefore, carefully think about contraindications (if any) and, of course, about the special condition of his body is always talking to the consultant. For as long as myths about dietary supplements or 'feed', it is still neither wisdom nor health of this occupation will not add. Maybe we should look at the world real? If you do not waste your time on idle speculation and start today to give your body what it really needs, you are waiting for health and well-being personal life and success in any business.

Exact Amounts To Sell Your Product

When we spoke of dose, he is not exclusive of doctors and medecines, because it can be an important factor for the results that you obtain from your business when selling your products. For asegurarte that in each one of the presentations of your product goes the same amount, or a liquid, solid or granulating, which you need is a machine or an equipment that includes a measure one. With this system you will manage to take advantage of each gram or milliliter your product without wasting not one drop or portion. Different equipment and systems exist that work and work altogether with the measure ones, which generally are an addition, accessory or complement to the main system. Following the amount or volume of your packages or packings, it varies the speed with which can work the measure machine.

Nevertheless, as they are new machines and of a very high technological quality, you will manage to fulfill the amount necessary to reach that efficiency to the one hundred percent. This type of equipment and systems are developed as solutions to the processes of package, bottled and packing, according to each product. This way integral lines in the processes efficient, reliable, easy can be created to operate and to maintain thanks to the excellent quality of machines and measure systems.