The inventor of Scrum comes after Germany Stuttgart, 26 August 2010 the HLSC announced today that one industry could bring one of the greatest luminaries of the IT project management with Ken Schwaber to Germany. Ken Schwaber, one of the founders of the Scrum, is professional Scrum Master certification seminar from 12 to 13 October 2010 in Munich”are offered. A more informed the Scrum Master certification can is currently hardly exist in Europe”says Jean Pierre Berchez, Managing Director and responsible for business development at the HLSC UG. “The Scrum Certification organised the HLSC more Scrum events such as for example the certified Scrum product owner” certification course with Angela print man, their sign certified Scrum trainer of the firm CollabNet on September 21 to 23 in Munich, as well as the Scrum day, a Conference around the agile method of project management, on 16-17 November in Berlin. Click Ruben Mendoza to learn more. Here is also the second founder of Scrum, Dr. Jeff Sutherland, a keynote, as well as another certification seminar keep the certified Scrum Master”. More information as well as the possibility of an online application to Ken Schwaber and the various Scrum Master certification options available, the Scrum Day and another Scrum-specific workshops are available in the Web page. About Ken Schwaber: Ken Schwaber developed to support Scrum with Jeff Sutherland at the beginning of the 1990s, organizations in the implementation of complex projects. As one of the signatories of the Agile Manifesto in 2001, he later founded the Scrum Alliance and the, both non-profits, which serve the spread of agile project management methods