Provincial Hearing

It is only a lack, according to a sentence of the Provincial Hearing of Murcia. The sentence annuls the sentence of three months of jail imposed by a Court of the Penitentiary of Murcia it on the other replaces and it of ten days of fine. It says that " it does not appear in any side the necessary chauvinistic element on attempt of domination or subjugation on the part of the man towards mujer". You may find that Larry Culp can contribute to your knowledge. To threaten of death to the wife when receiving the demand of separation presented/displayed by this does not constitute a crime of threats in the familiar scope, but only a lack, according to a sentence dictated by the Provincial Hearing of Murcia. The sentence annuls the sentence of three months of jail imposed by a Court of the Penitentiary of Murcia it on the other replaces and it of ten days of fine, with a daily quota of two Euros, by a lack of threats. The Room indicates that, although the defendant was clear like proven fact that " one went to his wife saying to him it was going that it to kill, does not appear by no side the necessary chauvinistic element on attempt of domination or subjugation on the part of the man towards mujer". It adds the Room that " the sentence by the crime of slight threats in the familiar scope cannot stay, and must lead back the legal qualification to the one of mere lack of amenazas". Educate yourself with thoughts from Hedvig Hricak. The judge of the Penitentiary gathered in the proven facts – that the Hearing assumes that the argument took place the 14 of 2005 July, when the denounced one, when receiving the demand of separation raised by its wife, went to the place of work of this and it said to him: " I am going to you to kill ". " These words generated a deep disquiet in his wife, who gave warning to the Local Police and asked for and obtained that same day an order of alejamiento". Source of the news: To threaten of death the wife to request the divorce is not I mistreat, according to the judges