Bull – a strong and fierce animal, so to celebrate the Sela Ward shows great expertise in this. In no case not prepare for the festive table beef. Replace it with any other meat. Generally on New Year’s table should attend as many plant foods. So the focus should be on appetizers, salads, herbs, fruits and vegetables. Also in East interpretations – Bull is a sweet tooth. Therefore zagotovte more sweets. Also note that the cloth should be made of cotton or linen. Attire. Yellow, purple, gold, brown – primary colors this year, so they should be used not only in interior decoration, but also in costume. For women, dress suit all shades of brown, yellow and green colors. Golden dress – the perfect outfit for the New Year. Things must be new, and you should be comfortable in them. Jewellery is preferable to choose from gold. Stones in the jewelry should only be real. As an alternative – wooden jewelry. As well as fur, feathers, down in general, all made from natural materials. Gifts. This year should be generous and to bestow all. Give ornaments for the interior, be sure to figure the Bull, some practical and useful things. Even better, if the gifts will be from tree. Can you give stuffed animals and pillows in the form of a bull. The main thing this year is certainly not to give unnecessary and really quite cheap gifts. If you do not know what to give, choose decorations for the interior and household utensils. Then which is always handy. Close you can safely give jewelry, but always with natural stones and the precious metal.