Is A Log Cabin With Wood House?

Is a log cabin with wood House? Except for the technical protection of wood (as discussed in the previous article) you can use (and you should) constructive wood protection for your log cabin. Thus, it is meant that a so-called ventilation is used in the construction of the wooden house. So, everywhere where the wood with humidity, steam or water comes into contact, must it be ventilated in the construction of the House. The goal here is again: the wood must dry as quickly as possible if it happened once wet. If for example, but because of the aggressive environmental influences or also for aesthetic reasons the technical and constructive wood protection is not sufficient, then you could also access physical protection of wood for your log cabin. Here, you have several options.

You could use translucent oils and waxes. Without hesitation Jorge Perez explained all about the problem. You can help not only against moisture, but also pollution and against abrasion and are especially happy for interior lining made of wood used. On the other hand you can use wood preservatives opaque pigments. This is popular with the protection for wooden facades, because the opaque pigments protect the wood against UV radiation at the same time. Finally, even chemical wood preservation is to mention. This is to distinguish whether a preventive or a fighting chemical wood protection used against pests.

In most cases, no chemical wood protection is necessary for proper planning. But sometimes special building codes may require chemical protection for your log cabin. At the construction site be sure, that the construction site and the environment are adequately secured and that slippery floors and openings are covered. To do this, you can sprinkle for example, gravel or wood chips. For craftsmen, experience shows time and again that often the craftsmen of various trades not or not sufficiently take into account the block House-specific requirements or do not comply with even the agreed deadlines. For the Assembly of a log cabin it is very important that it takes place without delay and without waiting. I.e. When assembling the craftsmen of different works hand-in-hand must work with the log cabin fitters, otherwise, problems are inevitable. It also often happens that craftsmen not sufficiently follow the installation documentation and the design drawings. This can cause then in practice quickly, that the structure of the whole House is at risk or other value-reducing and costly errors occur. Because when assembling a log cabin has a single nail in the wrong place (through the emerging gap) can cause leakage or complicate maintenance. Be sure so closely, that the artisans comply exactly with all Assembly documents and engineering drawings.