Interior Doors

To date, range of interior doors is very wide. Choosing from all the available design options the door pretty hard to make the right choice. To get started is choose from a number of paintings will be made your door. According to this criterion distinguishes single, double and sesquioxides door. The following is a way of opening.

According to this criterion stand folding, sliding and folding doors. Most popular are hinged interior doors. They can be installed in two ways: so that they would open right or left. The most significant drawback of interior doors swing type is that they require place for them to open up. The spacious rooms are most often used folding interior doors that are hinged and the pendulum type. Advantage of the interior doors of the pendulum type is that they can open in both directions. The second most popular are sliding doors. They are ideal in small apartments because they do not require as much space as is required, the door swing type.

Doors sliding type except linens and box equipped with a special guide rail and rolling mechanism. The canvas of this door may be hidden in a special niche, or move in parallel door. Also save space folding interior doors. They are somewhat fixed in the doorway of the vertical sections that are interconnected. When you open the door section move along special guides, thereby opening the passageway. More doors are classified depending on the design of fabrics: from wood (throughout the thickness of cloth) made the so-called "massive doors. These doors are usually distinguished by relatively high cost, which is due to the fact that the material for the paintings is a very complicated technological process. Such doors are well represented by Garofoli.Neplohoe quality interior doors are made of glued solid, such as interior doors ldm. They are made of individual bars, which are formed so that the wood fibers are directed in different directions. This technology eliminates the natural deformation dereva.Osnovu door frame is frame (rail), which is located around the perimeter of the leaf blade. Typically, these doors are made of coniferous trees. In Some interior doors except the frame have special interim elements of the space between them filled with different materials such as glass, particle board, mdf and plywood. Such doors are usually called "Paneled". Large selection and interesting options presented in the collection of Alexandria dveri.Schitovye interior doors are a skeleton, which is coated with various materials such as plastic, laminate mdf. The inner part of such a door is usually completely empty or filled with rare strips, intended to save the form to the door. An example of these doors can serve as doors of high-tech Production from the company Sofya.Steklyannye interior doors, such doors mame. Different original designs and wide variety of design options.